Growing up in the shadow of the UK's greatest DJ's back in the late 1990's in the slums of South London The SOULPOLE SOUNSDSYSTEM was originally founded by club DJ/promoters Robert Smith and Scott Trindle. Recognising that the industry was seriously lacking substance and that super clubs had lost the elements that made their fond memories of sound system parties past seem a distant memory, deciding to change tact from promoting events in nightclubs and go back to the source.
Having discussed their ethos, they decided that it would be one of 'no expense too high & back to basics', this would lead to attracting interest from the original sound system pioneers such as Dj's Norman Jay, 279 & Cutmaster Swift. This mix of the old ethos and the get up and go of the next generation of grafters has led to what could be seen as the second coming and arrival of the next chapter in the history of the ephemeral travelling sound system.
The eclectic mix of tastes and styles supplied by all the acts who appear at SOULPOLE events span everything from Hip-Hop to House and all the bits in between juxtaposing the new with the old, paying homage to legends past and stressing the importance of the sound system to modern musical culture. Always for people who love music for music’s sake anybody can come along get involved and take something away with them that they will never forget.
Check our events page to find out what we're up-to at the moment, our sound system page to see our tools of the trade and our DJ's page to see & hear how we roll.


Our recently added BANDS section supports new live band entertainment from the likes of Lopez, The Thirst, Kill Electric and Dom Lewis.
As always rock music is best appreciated in a dark seedy club with a pint of larger in one hand. Take a look at who we're bringing in on the act.